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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Migrate Data with Robocopy

robocopy C:\ \\\ /MIR /COPYALL /Z /LOG:C:\Robocopy.txt /R:0 /W:0 /NP /XD RECYCLER "System Volume Information" ~snapshot

Some explanations:

  • /Z - Restartable Mode - If Robocopy is stopped, then restarted, partially copied files are picked up and incrementally copied.
  • /B - Backup Mode - In some cases it is advised to also add the /B (Backup Mode) option to copy files in backup mode. This option leverages the Windows NT "backup mode" feature, allowing files to be copied using the Backup Operator rights.


Anonymous said...

Only one limitation: Tools like robocopy, xcopy, xxcopy, ... has problems of copying files without read access. Secure Copy or emccopy (only for EMC) can do it!

Martin Krag said...

try Path Too Long fixer

Leonid said...

Poster1 - this is incorrect. You can use backup mode (if you have such permissions) to copy files you don't have permissions on.
It's "/B" parameter. Can also be combined with "/Z" -> "/ZB"
"/ZB :: use restartable mode; if access denied use Backup mode"
Origin: robocopy help

Leonid said...

Poster number1, this is incorrect; if you have backup permissions, you can use "/B" for backup mode.

Robocopy help:
/Z :: copy files in restartable mode.
/B :: copy files in Backup mode.
/ZB :: use restartable mode; if access denied use Backup mode.

Leonid said...

Poster1 - this is incorrect. You can use backup mode (if you have such permissions) to copy files you don't have permissions on.
It's "/B" parameter. Can also be combined with "/Z" -> "/ZB"
"/ZB :: use restartable mode; if access denied use Backup mode"
Origin: robocopy help

peter watson said...

Great piece of informative stuff nice I hope you will continue to share more in the future such as amazing content data copy tool

peter watson said...

Great piece of informative stuff nice I hope you will continue to share more in the future such as amazing content data copy tool