There are different methods to find out such information:
1. Send traffic from a particular client, and use the following command:
pktt start all -b 2m -d / -s 5m -i
If this client is sending traffic, you will see messages stating
pktt status -v
2. Capture a network trace file and observe. Capture using the same filer utility as described above. The files will end up in the filer's /, and only administrator/root can read the files:
To start the trace on all interfaces:
pktt start all -b 2m -d / -s 5m
To stop the trace:
pktt stop all
Dr. Toaster Recommends:
Use Ethereal to decode the network trace file. Ethereal decodes all the common file and block protocols - NFS, CIFS, iSCSI, as well as management protocols such as RSH, SNMP, Telnet.